Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Show and Tell: My Favourite Animal

I really enjoyed the Show and Tell presentation by 1F children. Everyone had a favourite animal and spoke confidently about it. I am certain the class had learnt a lot about many animals after listening to their peers. Here are the snapshots of everyone in action :)
I am really impressed by the information shared by the children during Show and Tell. Ethan spoke about saving Mother Earth to save the polar bear. Hayden linked his presentation to the current news on Jia Jia and Kai Kai. Keng Hin shared about the Howler Monkey that he had learnt about during the learning journey to the zoo. And many many more.

I am proud of 1F children's performance and grateful to their parents for being so supportive in nurturing their love for learning.

PAL - Sports & Games (6)

The coach encouraged pupils to recap the key learning points from the previous lessons. Many 1F children were able to share with the class that they had learnt about responsibility, having the confidence to try out new games and to work cooperatively with team members. Lesson began with the usual pair run and stretching exercises.

1F pupils worked in groups to practise how to handle a ball using different methods like bouncing, throwing and passing it to team members. It was a delight listening to the children discuss about turn-taking and coaching one another to handle the ball competently.

The girls demonstrated to the class an innovative way of playing using the ball and hula hoop. Their peers took up their suggestion confidently and tried out the game in a new way. I am sure they had a lot of fun playing together. The lesson ended with a debrief with Mr Pand.